I continue to be excited for Gran Turismo Sport, reading various opinions from here, there and yonder … this particular comment caught my attention:

Sport actually includes slightly more robust race assist options than previous series entries, which should allow those who buy the game primarily for the car porn to cope with Gran Turismo’s demanding, simulation-level racing mechanics.
I know Polyphony Digital is going to focus Sport primarily on online play, but hopefully it will not be ridiculously out of balance with offline modes. One of the GT series pleasures for me is running hotlaps and enjoying getting better, which is a far better racing experience than stressing about online play, where trolls and turds frolic in equal quantities, often ruining the entire experience.
Never mind where I’ve been. Or, come to that, where you’ve gone. Hope all is well at your end, mate.
I’ve been playing a fair bit of GT Sport lately and I’m interested to know how you eventually found it. For me, it’s a great example of games as an evolving service: FIA-sanctioned series with their own live broadcast team, the Lewis Hamilton time trial challenges, ongoing regular track and car updates and so on.
So great an example, in fact, that I keep forgetting how empty the thing was at launch…