Hide the women and children. Here comes the porn.

I am not sure if porn and videogames go hand-in-hand (make your own damn puns), but I do know that it is a matter of time before some of the more adult oriented Japanese anime makes it into a US videogame. Niche for sure, but it is coming sooner or later. Or maybe a more realistic version of some Hot Coffee. Or maybe Conan unleashed. You get the point, and so does PSXExtreme

I believe it’s only a matter of months before a big-name pornstar has a cameo on a TV sitcom. I think we’re just a tweak away from one of them putting out a solo music album. And yes, I don’t think pornstars in video games is far behind, or actually, based on that news, maybe it’s already here. Of course, the big question is, do consumers see this as a problem? I’m guessing that many don’t, provided the products are still rated appropriately. But are we crossing an invisible line? Are there even any lines left to cross in this society? I dunno… I’d be a lying, elitist nimrod if I said I’ve never watched porn, and I’m in no position to lecture. But I’m not lecturing; I’m merely making a statement of fact, and then following it up with a question: adult entertainment will most certainly become a larger and larger part of the video game industry in the future, and is this a bad thing, regardless of ratings?

Pretty much spot on, but I still think it will be anime that paves the way. Ghost in the Shell; something that will seem more innocent than outright porn. Within two or three years, adult games are coming to a PS3 near you (probably via Blu-ray).


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