Mini Marauder Pellet Report

Going to ATL today for the first Falcons home game. Who cares if it is preseason? I am ready for some football!

I had an opportunity to run about 4 clips (40 pellets) through the Marauder. I am glad I got the extra clip because I below threw clips and a rapid pace! I am going to order two or three more just for the convenience of having the pellets loaded and ready to shoot. Three to five should be plenty between fills.

Speaking of fills, I am not about to go much beyond 2200 psi on the Marauder’s gauge, which shows up at close to 2500-2600 psi on the Hill pump. Once I get the screws for the base, I am sure that I will pump the snot out of the gun to see how it shoots at 2500-3000 psi.

Shooting from about 20 yards; sitting position; little to no wind.

I shot a clip of Napier Power Hunter pellets. These things spray too much with little consistency. If anything, most were high and too the right of the mark. The scope is still not zeroed, but I abandon the idea of using a cheaper pellet to break in the gun (not even sure if PCPs have to be broken in) and zero the scope. I switched to a clip of Crosman Premier pellets, and the CPs grouped like a charm. 1 flyer; 9 in a ragged hole about a dime (maybe penny). The group was slightly higher than my aim point and only slightly to the right. The CPs should be fine for zeroing the scope, but it kind sucks that I have to use some of my more expensive pellets that my Beeman R1 loves to shoot. Then again it may be nice to have my two .22 airguns favor the same pellet.

I next tried some Beeman Silver Ace pellets, but they were unpredictable. About have were too high and too the right of my aim point, while the others where low and to the left. Kind of a strange diagonal grouping. Maybe it was the change in psi or poor technique.

For my final clip I switched back to the CPs with the same good results from the previous CP clip. I may have found the perfect pellet for the Marauder without having to go through a whole lot of pellets.


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