College Football Annuals.

Every year I swear off purchasing college football annuals, but like spring turns to summer, the anticipation of a new football season brings me back to another round of purchases. Then of course there is the hope that the next yearly installment of EA Sports’ NCAA Football will bring football nirvana into my living room.

Each year I struggle to break the cycle, and this year is no different. These days I rarely visit brick and mortar bookstores, but after taking the family out for pizza (and beer for mommy and daddy), we checked out the bookstore right around the corner. Kid. Candy story. Me. OK, it was a bookstore, but you get the picture. A plethora of football annuals were on display, but I showed some restraint and limited myself to three of my traditional favorites. I picked up the Athlon Sports Southeastern 2009 Preview, Lindy’s Southeastern 2009 Preview, and of course Phil Steele’s 2009 College Football Preview is must read material.

Maybe one year I will break the cycle, but not today. Not this year. 2009 is another lost cause.

I think it is finally time to put in my NCAA Football 2010 pre-order. PS3 or PSP? Or Both? Decisions are like drinking beer. As the night goes on the decisions become easier, the beer gets better, while the tab continues to climb. Something like that.


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