Day seven on the bench; the good news is that I have been off the heavy pain pills since yesterday morning. Keeping my fingers crossed that things continue to progress.
I fired up WoW for a few minutes last night. I was not really in the mood, but I did have a couple of easy quests to knock out, so I got some easy experience and reputation before calling it a day. I am back at the point where I do not feel like I am getting my money’s worth for the monthly subscription. When I do play, I enjoy the game, but there are so many other distractions that it is hard to find time to play. For those of you still on the WoW fence, the good news is that I am living proof that you can play infrequently, manage to level a bit (I think Faltutin, my gnome mage is L37), and not be hopelessly addicted to the game. The addiction thing is a lot of hype for gamers that do not really live a balanced life.
This morning I had a brief moment of brilliance (I know, crazy talk). The Braves should move Chipper to 1B, and put Escobar at 3B. I think this would give them a little more offense, which is sorely needed at this point. No telling if Andruw Jones is going to come around this season, so Cox really needs to start mixing it up to try to get something going.
While I was doing all the heavy thinking, I came up with another stunner. Everything is too quiet on the Vick/dogfighting front. I think this means that the Feds are not having much luck getting Vick directly connected to the dogfighting mess. What should the Falcons do? At some point, if anything else comes out that is damning towards Vick, the commissioner will have to take action and suspend Vick. If the Falcons want to take a wait-and-see approach, they could just demote Vick to third-team QB, and just assume he is not going to be around at some point later this year. If Vick comes out smelling clean, the front office can see if anyone is desperate for Vick’s considerable athletic talent; a trade for picks and salary cap relief is all we can hope for at this point. If Vick is suspended (or worse), then the Falcons would have already started preparing for life without Vick. Either way, it is time for the Falcons to move on and start rebuilding.
Today’s NASCAR race does not start until 5PM EST, which leaves the door open for IRL and CART races, both on at 1PM EST on ABC and CBS respectively. I will watch whichever one is presented in HD, but I am not holding my breath that either will get the HD treatment. I do not watch NASCAR races the way I watch a football game, but it makes a huge difference for me when the races on FOX or TNT are presented in HD. The bottom line is that HD makes everything better.
I do not see the US/Mexico Gold Cup final listed, so I guess it is not getting play in the Southeast, which is a damn shame. I cannot understand this, because if anything, I would think that Mexican-Americans would give the match a decent rating. Soccer will never arrive in the US until we get coverage for all National Team games. Hopefully we are not that far from this point, but based on not seeing any Gold Cup events, we still have a decent ways to go.
Tonya just took the kids out of the house for a couple of hours. I should be resting, and to be honest I am – this post is coming to you live from the bench (err, the bedroom). Still, a few minutes without the kids in the house is a few minutes that I can crank up Resistance.
Happy Sunday!