Madden, PSP, and Bliss?

My PSP has not gotten much play of late, but that is mostly due to not playing much of anything lately besides NCAA Football 2006. This fall I plan to beef up my PSP library via the UK PSP launch – TOCA Race Drive 2, F1 Grand Prix, Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus, and World Rally Championship look delicious. Of course I also need some football, and well, that is the point for this post.

I know that a preview from GameSpot via EBGames is not actually a lot to get excited about, but the quote works for me:

“The good news is that the PSP version isn’t simply a console port with all the cool features missing. One of the best inclusions in the game is the ability to transfer files between the PSP and PS2 versions of the game. If you own both the PS2 and handheld versions of the game, you can share a number of different file types between the two games, including rosters, profiles, and spawned games. Rosters and profiles are well and good, but sharing spawned games may be the best reason for the PSP version of Madden to exist. In a nutshell, transferring data between the two versions of the game will let you take your franchise mobile, play your franchise games on your PSP, and then resync your games with your PS2 once you get home.”

The game sounds like more of what Madden fans need, but now we have to play the waiting game to see if the development team can work out the frame rate issues.


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