Kind of late for a Tuesday update, but I do what I can for our reader. Monday was power outage night – 7 hours of hell in the hot GA night – so no internet, no HDTV preseason football, no PS3, and more importantly, no AC. Tonight I am not really in the mood to write, but figured I would get a couple of things posted before enjoying a Makers nightcap.
The first AP Poll of the year was released over the weekend, featuring six SEC teams in the Top 25. LSU (2), Florida (6), Georgia (13), Tennessee (15), Auburn (18), and Arkansas (21). I have never cared much for preseason polls because they are almost pointless, unless you happen to get a good ranking. Why does Florida end the season as #1, but start off #6? How does Georgia move up 10 spots without playing a game?
I could post about Vick, but I do not think he is worth wasting time on right now. Maybe later if I get a burr.
It looks like the HD format wars are going to continue thanks to Paramount and DreamWorks going exclusively HD-DVD. I have seen this posted all over the place, but since I own a PS3 and not a HD-DVD player, I am biased. Check out for the story, a couple of other links, and some pissed off Blu-ray fans.
Makers Mark on the way …