As a card carrying trophy whore, I have been watching the debate about Lumines Platinum status. Will it or will it not contain a Platinum?
According to James Mielke (Q Games Producer) the game does in fact have a platinum. Additionally he also makes reference to a platinum trophy on his twitter too. Despite the claims, it would seem that and many users online say otherwise.
I have Lumines on preorder, and even if it doesn’t contain a Platinum trophy, I’m sure I’ll enjoy Lumines immensely. The fire PSP Lumines was fantastic; the first Vita version looks to top it in every way.
Trophy support for the Vita will making gaming on the go that much more enjoyable.
illumines has 13 trophies—NO PLAT
While I am a trophy whore, I do try to balance what I like to play vs obtaining trophies. In other words, there are a ton of games that I play where I have no shot at getting a platinum. Lumines is one of those games – I probably don’t have the skill to get a plat, but it sucks that a retail game, a $40 one at that, does not have a platinum trophy.
i believe trophie amount should be by price – retail games have 50 – cheap psn games around 15. which is the way most games do it – sucks when they change things up