PS3 Coffin Arrives. Twice.

Last Thursday I finally broke down and put in a repair order to Sony to get my PS3 fixed. The undependability of the Blu-ray unit because too much to overcome. If you know me, you know I am on the straight and narrow. I like my ducks to lined up nice and tidy, and when I want to watch a Blu-ray or DVD movie, or play a game, be it PS3, PS2, or PSX, it damn well better work.

The “box” was scheduled to arrive on June 29th, but did not actually show up until yesterday. Imagine my surprise when my wife and two oldest boys excitedly came into the kitchen with two large, oversized boxes. They fixed something good was in hand, so they were awfully disappointed to learn the boxes were empty.

To be exact, they contain some foam-like packing materials, a UPS shipping label and instructions on packing and returning the PS3 system for repairs.

Why did I get two boxes? I hope I am not going to get double the repair price, but I think should be fairly safe since I used my AMEX card and the Sony site says they will not charge the card until the system is repaired.

Of course now the PS3 seems to be working fine. I am going to try to wing it through the three-day weekend before sending the system back to Sony.


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