I love the Sunday before Memorial Day; F1, Indy, and NASCAR racing all in a single glorious race filled day. The last few years F1 kicked things off with the Monaco GP, but this year we are going to be treated with the Turkish GP, Istanbul style, which as I write this post, starts in about 50 of so minutes.
I always enjoy watching the Indy 500, and while I am sure that the race has lost much of its luster compared to the “good ol’ days” it is still an exciting display of racing. I wonder how many Danica Patrick “pouts” will be on display. The TVs love following her, which I guess is OK if this type of coverage brings in viewers, but until she starts willing, who really cares? It is not as if she looks that good that there should be so much damn coverage of her.
Wrapping up the evening (and headed late into the night) is the 600 at Charlotte. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Jeff Gordon can finally put it all together, from start to finish, and win his first race of the year. He has been crazy good at times, but seems to run into really poor luck (those damn restarts get him ever time) at the end.
By the end of the night, I should be sick of racing, but hopefully not sick from too many adult beverages.