White Knight Chronicles: International Update

As I have written on several occasions, when I actually have time to play, I am enjoying this JRPG, which features hybrid turn-based/pseudo real-time gameplay elements. It is certainly not for everyone, but I think it is a real gem.

Over the weekend I ordered the strategy guide, which is something I only rarely do for games that I really enjoy. I think the last guide I purchased was maybe FFX. Of course I will never be able to defend my position, much less convince non-JRPG fans that I only order guides to enhance my gaming experience.

I’ll comment on the guide later this week. My only initial comment is that I have already noticed some errors where the map/grid references are actually incorrect.

I other WKC news, according to PlayStationUniversity, Japan is getting some new DLC on Feb. 25. Hopefully new content works its way to the U.S. PSN servers.


2 thoughts on “White Knight Chronicles: International Update”

  1. Hi. I have bought this game as well and as you have stated it is well done. I to have too many games and not enough time to play them. Liked the Heavy Rain demo as well but have not decided on purchase yet.

  2. Hi Ken – Just finished up another hour or so of WKC:I … as I said previously, I have to play this one 30-60 minutes at a time because I just do not have the time to really dedicate to marathon gaming sessions.

    I probably should not have purchased Heavy Rain – I have too many other games demanding my attention, and two other games on the way (in addition to Heavy Rain): MLB 10 and FFXIII.

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