I thought it would be interesting to do a quick recap of January. From a gaming perspective, I lost my soul months ago, so longtime readers can appreciate that content provided for your viewing pleasure has been all over the map. Ah, but the winds of change are blowing, and the Recycle Bin (dare I say Calvert Games) is once again featuring a healthy dose of gaming.
For January 2010, the score reads (63 articles**):
- 19 video game (30%)
- 33 sports (52%)
- 11 stuffs (17%)
- 2 D&D (3%)
**Percentage breakdown totals 102% – 1 article was categorized as sports and stuffs; 1 article was categorized as sports and videogames.
You may ask how this compares to Calvert Games historical averages. I am glad you did! Calvert Games has maintained its current format since August 2004, which is a span of 66 months. During that time 1975 articles have been written, which amounts to almost 30 articles per month, or an amazing one article per day. Take my breath away!
As with the January monthly percentages, the “lifetime” totals are calculated based on category counts applied to total articles, which slightly skews the results higher than the expected 100%. In other words, there are ~100 articles that are in multiple categories.
All-Time (current format as of August 2004):
- Stuffs 39%
- Sports 33%
- Videogames 30%
- Miscellaneous 4%***
***Miscellaneous contains Airguns (61), Birdwatching (5), Chronicles (7 – which are really Videogame related articles), and D&D (8) articles.